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Eco Propulsion Solution

We provide the sustainable and future eco-friendly propulsion solutions.

HD KSOE’ EP(Eco Propulsion) division supports the transition to the clean shipping industry by providing innovative and sustainable eco-friendly, high efficiency hybrid and electric propulsion solutions for all types of vessels.

We accelerate the journey towards achieving Net Zero carbon emissions by offering innovative solutions that reduce GHG emissions through the use of eco-friendly fuels and achieve Zero Emission through electric propulsion system.

Main Systems

Main Products - Table shows a list of products of Marine System Solution
Mechanical Propulsion Direct-drive system with a 4-stroke HiMSEN engine and propulsion unit
Hybrid Propulsion Hybrid propulsion system combining 4-stroke HiMSEN engine for propulsion with onboard power sources(engines, batteries, fuel cells, etc.).
Electric Propulsion Electric propulsion system(with Engine) powered by onboard power sources(engines, batteries, fuel cells, etc.) for propulsion motor operation.
Pure Electric Propulsion
(without ICE*)
Electric propulsion system(without Engine) powered only by batteries and fuel cells for propulsion motor operation.
*ICE: Internal Combustion Engine
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